Asarotica Page 7
Angel slumped to the floor, mouth open and eyes wide. She put the phone on speaker and let her hand fall next to her. She was vaguely aware of someone babbling excitedly about an engagement party she was invited to on Friday and how Ben had a bunch of cute friends and how she needed a date for the wedding and how the wedding was going to be small, just a few close friends and family.
Sleep didn’t come for a long time that night.
“This is Ben’s place?” Angel asked Tara. The mansion was tucked in the hills behind the village that held the bookstore and the café. “How on earth can a barista afford this?”
“His family is pretty well-off,” Tara said. “Real estate, I think.” Tara sounded like she was talking through a dream as she guided Angel through the house. “His dad bought him this place, but Ben still wanted to work on his own. Isn’t he just—”
“Stupid,” Angel muttered.
“Sweet. So sweet.” Angel’s smile was almost too wide. She was happy for her friend, but the entirety of the situation was altogether unexpected. Almost as unexpected as the new red-bottom pumps that the wholesome redhead was wearing, and struggling to gain control over.
The party was lame. Tara and Ben were preoccupied being fiancés, showing off the rings, informing everyone about times and places. The crowd consisted of mostly Ben’s family and friends, and they all felt and acted like the country-club types she had assumed they were. She disregarded the judgmental looks she received in her short, white, lacy sundress and kitten heels and found herself indulging in the bottles of stupidly expensive red wine.
Angel stood on a balcony overlooking the beautiful backyard, halfway through her second glass of something delicious the bottle it came from said tasted like chocolate-covered cranberries grown in a rose bush. A Ben-less Tara soon found her there.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so tired of talking to people about the same things over and over—which one is this?” The little redhead grabbed Angel’s glass of red wine and took a big swig, almost finishing it. Angel raised her eyebrows, amused.
“Ugh, that’s good.” Tara let out a sigh. Her eyes excitedly popped open and she grabbed Angel’s hand. “You need to meet Ben’s friends, I don’t know where they came from, but three of them specifically asked us about ‘the gorgeous black girl in the white.’ C’mon!”
Tara dragged Angel excitedly back inside, down one of the long halls lined with artwork. They stopped next to a lithe Asian man wearing too many layers. A thick, messy bun of coal black hair sat on the back of his head, and a light goatee dusted his face.
“Jack, this is Angel,” Tara said, a hint of mischief touched her voice.
Who is this girl and what has she done with my Tara?
“Hello,” Jack said as he held out his hand. Angel caught a spicy whiff of cloves and tobacco. His eyes widened when they met hers. After a pregnant pause, Tara broke the silence.
“Jack’s a musician,” Tara said, “and I know you love music, so you two should have tons to talk about.”
“It’s mostly jazz stuff,” Jack said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his black chinos.
“Jazz is kinda my favorite,” said Angel with a smile. Jack’s eyes lit up.
“I’ll leave you two to it,” Tara said, Angel watching her red curls bounce as she walked away.
Jack and Angel talked for a bit about the painting he was staring at, some type of landscape piece. She didn’t really understand, but she enjoyed how passionate he sounded when he started talking about brush strokes and different types of inspirations. She was almost disappointed when he suggested they go meet his other friend who had known Ben in college.
They walked down the hall, talking about anything and everything that had to do with art, until they reached a room that contained a lavish table of food. A group of partygoers stood around in front of the table, holding drinks and laughing at something Jack and Angel had just missed. But it was clear who dominated the group and who had probably made them laugh. At a minimum six-feet-five inches and dressed in a sleek navy suit with a white button-down, he was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He held himself with an air of intensity, as if he was running a business conference. His dark skin was lighter than Angel’s by a few shades.
I wonder what his suit might look like on the floor of my bedroom, thought Angel. Wait, what? Where did that come from? she chastised herself.
“Isaiah, come meet Angel,” Jack said confidently. “She’s Tara’s good friend.” Jack made the introduction like he had practiced it about thirty-seven times during their walk down the hall.
Angel held out her hand and Isaiah took it gently but firmly, and looked her straight in the eye as he shook it with an intensity caused her to feel the heat in her ears. She hoped it didn’t show on her face.
“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Angel,” Isaiah said in a deep, rich voice, his hazel eyes locking her in place.
“You too,” was all she could muster. She blushed.
“I’ll find you both a bit later,” Isaiah said to Jack, who smiled.
He returned his attention to the group, which had since stopped all conversation to focus on his exchange with her. His magnetism was something she had never experienced before. Jack led her across to the next room, a study walled with bookshelves. A faint, savory flavor hung in the air, like leather and good tobacco. A sturdy redheaded man in a red flannel shirt and an opened dark grey vest was leaning lazily against one of the climbing ladders with a small leather book in one hand and a glass of neat whiskey in the other.
“And this is Kelly,” Jack said. Angel licked her lips; she couldn’t help but picture running her hands over his barrel chest as his lips explored her neck and tickled her pleasantly with his ginger scruff. Embarrassing herself with her lewd thoughts, she shook her head to reset her poise.
“Kelly, this is—”
“Did you know,” interrupted the ginger, pleasantly, “that old books smell so delicious because of the organic stuff in their pages that smells like vanilla?” Kelly looked up and regarded them both with ocean-blue eyes. A smirk touched one side of his mouth.
Angel giggled slightly and furrowed her brow. The redhead held her eyes and took a sip from his glass, the muscles in his forearm rippled. Holding the book open and still leaning against the bookcase he smiled.
“Hi, are you Angel?”
“That’s … me.” She smiled back at him. Do I …
“Hi Angel, I’m Kelly.” He paused. “You totally already knew that.” He scrunched his nose at his own words; the smooth-talking, mysterious lumberjack went from zero-to-goofball in no-seconds-flat. But still, there was an eccentric charm about him.
Before they could get to talking, Tara came running in sputtering too fast about how they were about to make the toasts when she tripped over her new heels, emptying the entirety of her glass of red onto the back of Angel’s lacy white dress.
“Oh. My. God.” Tara stood in open-mouthed shock for a second before she set her empty glass on a side table. Suddenly, Tara was all apologies and more sputtering as she hurried her friend up the stairs to one of the guest bedrooms. Between Tara’s apologies and assurances that Ben had a complete auxiliary wardrobe for just such incidents, Angel couldn’t help but think of the three men she had just met, all within a few minutes of each other. Jack’s artsy, modest exuberance; Isaiah’s sleek, commanding magnetism; and Kelly’s relaxed, comfortable ruggedness. So different, yet so … wow.
Still mortified, Tara hurriedly found a towel somewhere and started to dry her off, listing the sizes of the dresses in the closet.
“Hey,” Angel said, “hey!” Tara looked at her with her bright sky-blue eyes, mouth still twitching.
“You know I love you,” she said, affecting a dramatic calm. “Go be with your man, and don’t worry about me. I’ll handle everything.”
Tara blinked and nodded rapidly.
“Gimme this though,” Angel said p
ulling at the towel.
Tara smiled, surrendered the towel, and hugged her friend before she left.
Angel was formulating her escape plan when there was a knock on the door.
She opened the door to Jack, Isaiah, and Kelly.
“Can we come in?” Isaiah asked with a bright smile. “We’d like to talk with you.”
Angel didn’t get the feeling that these guys wanted to hurt her, but she felt nervous. With a polite smile, she opened the door and, like a good host, invited them in.
They all filed in, followed by an air of anxious confidence. Jack was evidently twitchier, Kelly struggled to look at her. Only Isaiah held the original sureness that made him so tantalizing. “If you’ll forgive us for our honesty, we’ve all spoken and—
“We love you, Angel,” Jack blurted. Kelly raised his eyebrows at his friend and muttered something with the word “tactful” in it.
Jack continued quickly, “When we saw you, it was … I’ve never felt. It was like … like lightning.”
“You’re something else, girl,” Kelly cut in, sudden confidence in his voice. “There’s something about you that’s just …”
“Magical,” Isaiah finished. “You’re fucking magical, Angel.”
Angel burst out laughing. “Magical?” She laughed until she realized no one else was. Her face flattened out. “You’re fucking with me.” She turned and went as if to lock herself in the bathroom. Jack grabbed her by the hand.
So soft.
“We’re serious!” Jack said with only a slight twinge of desperation. He let her go.
“I mean, we could just show you,” Kelly said with an easy smile.
Angel turned, eyeing each man suspiciously, but felt … electric.
Isaiah stepped forward, dangerously close to her. He stood a full head taller than her, putting her a little lower than mid-chest. She looked up into his rich, russet eyes. Tantalizing.
He kissed her.
Isaiah’s lips were as soft as she had hoped. She felt like she could kiss him forever. She broke it quickly, and took a step back.
Magical …
Jack stepped forward. She looked into his pale green eyes briefly before kissing him, her tongue slipping past his lips. His energy filled her, but she backed off again, albeit more apprehensively.
She wanted them. All three.
Kelly eyed her with a mischievous grin. Angel returned the grin and leaned forward to kiss him. His burly arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer, and crushed her body close as his tongue sought hers. A low moan like a growl rumbled from his chest as his hands moved down to grab her ass. He swiftly lifted her up, and her legs instinctively wrapped around him as he walked them both over to the bed and gently laid her down on it.
Angel thought about protesting, but the air was thick with longing. She wanted this. All of it. Even if they were playing some sick game with her, she wanted it. She wanted them.
Kelly’s lips moved away from hers, and before she could express her disappointment, he pressed them to her neck, then her collarbone, moving and kissing lower until he was between her legs, sliding off her delicate panties.
Before Angel could comprehend what was happening, Isaiah’s mouth covered hers again. She hadn’t noticed that he and Jack had joined them on the bed. Isaiah’s tongue glided past her lips at the same time Kelly’s tongue gently slid over her clit. Angel felt smooth hands pushing her lacy, wine-stained dress up. She managed to register Jack’s presence before his fingers traced her perky breasts.
Angel was enraptured by the different sensations. Isaiah’s perfect lips moving against hers. Jack’s warm, smooth hands, the tips of his fingers caressing her tits, hardening her nipples. Kelly’s impossibly skilled tongue flicking at her clit, making her pussy wet and warm in anticipation.
Fingers joined Kelly’s tongue, curving to massage her G-spot just as Jack’s teeth grazed her nipple and Isaiah softly bit her lower lip. She gasped.
“Off, please,” she purred, hoping that they knew she meant her dress—any and all clothing, in general—and not them, she lifted her hips and sat up slightly so the men on either side of her could slip it off while Kelly continued his intoxicating work between her thighs.
Her hands reached left and right, searching for either man’s legs. She found one, then the other, and ran her hands over the prominent bulges in their pants. Without any desire to say anything else, and inching close to climax, she moaned as she tugged at the waistbands of the two kneeling next to her.
Jack was closer and the first to take out his already throbbing cock. Looking up at him, Angel opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, beckoning him. He grabbed the braids at the top of her head, and gently slid his smooth, olive shaft into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she indulged. Her right hand found the tip of Isaiah’s exposed cock. She slid her fingers down …
Then lower …
And still lower until she finally found the base. The man felt like he was a foot-and-a-half long! She took his length in her delicate fingers and started stroking.
Unexpectedly, she quivered and came hard, grinding her hips on Kelly’s face and fingers. If not for Jack’s dick, she might’ve screamed, but her high-pitched, mumbled cries of pleasure were the best she could do. As if to make up for her sudden halt in stimulation, she pumped Isaiah faster with her right hand, and slurped on Jack messily.
She noticed that Kelly had stopped his incredible mouth work and she hoped that he—Yes! She felt the tip of the redhead’s cock slide outside her sopping lips. She had recovered from the delicious shock of her first orgasm and was all too ready for more.
She moaned blissfully, her mouth still harboring Jack’s cock, as Kelly gently pushed his girth inside of her. It felt exactly like he looked, brawny. Not incredibly long, but what it might’ve lacked in length, it more than made up for in girth. Pleasantly thick. Enough to entice a mild squeal of delight as he pushed his entire length into her. She stopped sucking Jack to watch him pump into her over and over again.
His ocean-colored eyes held crashing waves as he regarded her with an intensity that she had never felt from anyone she had been with. They stared for a moment until she was once again lost in the mirth of an oncoming climax. She took Isaiah’s huge member in her mouth, widening her jaw as far as she could and trying her best not to let her teeth graze his skin. She found Jack’s slippery cock with her left hand and alternated sucking on both.
Angel was seeing stars as she came a second time, feeling herself pulse tighter around Kelly’s thick member. Panting, and surprisingly vigorous, she got to her knees and kissed the redhead deeply, feeling him growl with pleasure.
She grabbed Isaiah, and pushed him down so that he took her position on the bed. Saying nothing, she straddled him, and maneuvered his cock to enter her. Cumming twice had emboldened her to take the gorgeous man’s size.
She slid down slowly, calculating every inch of his powerful shaft. She stopped when it got to be too much and looked down. He’s not even in all the way! she thought as she admired the solid half-inch of exposed member. Taking a deep breath, she worked herself up and down, relishing the feel of being filled more than she ever thought possible.
That was when Jack moved around to the foot of the bed and climbed up behind her. She could feel his length between her cheeks, still wet from her mouth, and still raging. He reached around to fill his hands with her breasts and kissed her neck. She arched her back, sighing a response and giggling slightly before Isaiah’s cock reminded her of its presence.
Kelly had taken that time to remove the rest of his clothes just as the others already had before climbing back onto the bed to kneel next to where Isaiah’s head lay. He was also still rock-hard. She wanted to taste the concoction of her juices and his flavor. Before she did she turned her head towards Jack.
“I want you inside too,” she purred. She knew the combination of climaxes and stimulation from the monolith between her legs would’ve given her tight asshole enoug
h lubrication to accommodate both of them. From the way he had felt in her mouth, Jack was just the right size.
The smooth Asian man slipped himself inside her, slowly at first, then farther until he was completely engulfed. The combination was riveting, she felt so full. Each man found a particular rhythm that made her feel like she was being rocked by waves. She let cry after pleasurable cry escape her mouth, moaning and sighing between each.
Angel noticed Kelly with that easy, playful grin, stroking his cock as she was being ravaged by Jack and Isaiah. Reveling in her ecstasy, her rolling eyes finally settled on his, and she held her mouth open, tongue protruded in a wordless question. He accepted the invitation and grabbed the back of her head pulling it towards his girth.
He tasted exactly as she wanted him to taste, just a hint of herself.
The ginger grabbed two handfuls of her braids, and worked her head to his own speed, matching the off-tempo rhythm of Jack and Isaiah.
Closing her eyes, she focused on each sensation individually while savoring the effect that all three were having on her body, she felt lost in a sea of jovial desire.
Her eyes shot open, she felt her third climax dangerously close. Nearly one after the other, Jack’s cock throbbed harder, Isaiah’s shaft widened her near to bursting, and Kelly’s stiffened in her mouth. Violent, celestial quivers overtook her body as she opened herself up to a third, torrential climax. She would have screamed if not, once again, for her mouth being so enjoyably intruded upon.
Jack moaned and hot cum shot into the gaping hole that had become Angel’s ass. Isaiah gave a deep sigh and spouted gloriously inside her sopping pussy. The ginger attached to the cock protruding from her lips gave another, final growl and emptied himself down her throat holding her by her braids as if they were the only things keeping him vertical.
They all made their exits from her body and collapsed into a panting, sweaty pile. The sweet musk of sex hung in the air. Sighing, she curled up next to Isaiah. She could feel their cum leaking out of her and taste it lingering on her tongue. All three unique, all three spectacular.